Monday, January 13, 2020

To Eat or Not to Eat

To Eat or Not to Eat In the twenty first century people have managed to clone animals and transplant organs but they still have not managed to cope with many serious diseases. Some of the most widely spread are the eating disorders – such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Even though many people underestimate them, they are extremely dangerous and even fatal. In order to prevent eating disorders, we should learn more about them. First of all, everyone can be affected by such diseases regardless their age, gender, race and place of living.However, the risk is higher, if one`s parents suffered from an eating disorder or if one is engaged with for instance dancing, modelling or cooking. It is worth mentioning that the psychological factor plays a very important role. Many young girls ‘give up’ eating because they want to look like the girls from the fashion magazines and the TV. But something that has started as an innocent diet or a bit of overweight, may destroy one`s health and life. There are a lot of types of eating disorders – the most notorious being anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.Anorexia nervosa is characterised with an extremely strong desire for losing weight and fear of gaining weight. It is believed social and family factors cause that condition. Nowadays society exerts a lot of pressure on people, especially girls and young women, to be thin and good looking. Many start starvation diets and become obsessed with their weight which can easily lead to anorexia nervosa. Most people who suffer from it do not realise that they have a problem and believe they are obese even though their body mass is less than 35kg. One of the most extreme examples is that of Lauren Bailey who dropped below 20kg.Fortunately, she managed to cope with her terrible condition unlike many other women. Bulimia nervosa is characterised with periods of extreme overeating and binging followed by gui lt and depression that usually lead to intentional vomiting. It is another example of eating disorder caused by social and family factors. However, many people who have digestive problems may also suffer from bulimia nervosa. These are people who haven`t found medical solution of their problems and try to find one themselves. This condition may cause more problems with the digestive system, affect the teeth, the hair and the nails.Some celebrities that have had problems with bulimia are Lady Diana, lady Gaga and Sir Elton John. Binge eating disorder is characterised with over consumption of food even when one is not hungry, obesity and feeling of guilt. This condition is usually caused by depression and different problems at work or in the family. People start eating more and more to feel better. The affected are usually ashamed of themselves, tend to hide and eat alone. This disease may cause diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, bone deterioration, stroke and even death. The se ven-year-old Jessica Gaude is regarded as the fattest child in the world with her 222kg.These are only a few examples of the seventy million registered cases of eating disorders. However, if all these people receive help that will make them realise their condition and they may change their way of living forever. All types of eating disorders involve unhealthy way of eating that begins gradually and reaches the point when it is extremely difficult to turn back. Everyone can fall victim to such diseases, so we should be careful with the people around us – our relatives and friends. If some of them suffer from an eating disorder they may not even realise it, so we ought to help them because this may save their lives. To Eat or Not to Eat To eat or not to eat? That is the question. â€Å"I have made an appointment to have my blood lipid levels checked, but I can't remember if my doctor mentioned fasting before the blood test. And I've heard that it is unnecessary to fast before a blood test. Is this true? † Nowadays, people are more concerned and aware of how much fat is in their diet. Having your blood lipid levels tested regularly is a good way to keep track of this. However, it is often inconvenient for many people to fast before a blood test as the idea of missing a meal can be disconcerting.A recent study, done by students of HUNT221 at the University of Otago, looks into the effect of blood lipid levels after consuming different types of meals, compared with fasting. In the experiment, total (plasma) cholesterol and triacylglycerol (1) concentrations were monitored between fasting and non-fasting blood tests. The aim of the investigation was to identify whether these lipid levels were raised by recently i ngested meals. Subjects were required to consume a high carbohydrate (CHO) or high fat meal with similar energy and protein content.The results obtained were necessary to determine if there was a post-prandial(2) effect on the true validity of the lipid concentrations. This is also useful for diagnosing blood lipid disorders such as high cholesterol. All subjects were required to provide a fasting blood sample to show a baseline for the lipid concentration. The fasting results showed a mean total cholestrol level of 4. 36 mmol/L and a mean triacylglyceride level of 1. 13 mmol/L. The study showed that the lipid concentrations between subjects who ingested a high carbohydrate meal and those fasting were similar.There were no significant value to show that the high carbohydrate meal had an effect on lipid levels in the blood. Triglyeride levels in CHOs are generally low(? ), explaining the little effect that a high CHO meal has on triglyercide levels in the blood. However not all foods high in CHO are low in triglycerides. For example, muffins which are considered to be high in CHO also have an elevated amount of hidden fat. So yes, that toast with your favourite low-fat spread is okay to have before going for your blood test. But always check with your GP first.When comparing the high fat and the fasting blood samples, it showed that there was a significant increase of 20% in total blood triacylglyceride concentrations. The total cholesterol concentration did not change significantly. This suggesting that by eating a high fat meal, the triacylglyceride levels will be affected; hence the blood test would not be accurate and would not provide a correct indication of actual lipid levels. Therefore, lipid intake should be kept to a minimum before a blood test. . Replacing standard dairy products for low-fat alternatives is better when considering eating before a blood test (3).Also look out for hidden lipids in foods high in carbohydrates by checking nutrition panel s on the packaging. So to answer your question, it is preferable to fast for 10 to 12 hours to avoid obtaining invalid results. However, if it is necessary to eat, avoid high fat foods such as bacon and eggs, or high fat spreads. Rather, you can opt for carbohydrate foods such as fruits and vegetables or breads and cereals. It is necessary however to keep in mind that these suggestions only apply when testing for blood lipids levels, if in doubt talk to your GP. To Eat or Not to Eat To Eat or Not to Eat In the twenty first century people have managed to clone animals and transplant organs but they still have not managed to cope with many serious diseases. Some of the most widely spread are the eating disorders – such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Even though many people underestimate them, they are extremely dangerous and even fatal. In order to prevent eating disorders, we should learn more about them. First of all, everyone can be affected by such diseases regardless their age, gender, race and place of living.However, the risk is higher, if one`s parents suffered from an eating disorder or if one is engaged with for instance dancing, modelling or cooking. It is worth mentioning that the psychological factor plays a very important role. Many young girls ‘give up’ eating because they want to look like the girls from the fashion magazines and the TV. But something that has started as an innocent diet or a bit of overweight, may destroy one`s health and life. There are a lot of types of eating disorders – the most notorious being anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.Anorexia nervosa is characterised with an extremely strong desire for losing weight and fear of gaining weight. It is believed social and family factors cause that condition. Nowadays society exerts a lot of pressure on people, especially girls and young women, to be thin and good looking. Many start starvation diets and become obsessed with their weight which can easily lead to anorexia nervosa. Most people who suffer from it do not realise that they have a problem and believe they are obese even though their body mass is less than 35kg. One of the most extreme examples is that of Lauren Bailey who dropped below 20kg.Fortunately, she managed to cope with her terrible condition unlike many other women. Bulimia nervosa is characterised with periods of extreme overeating and binging followed by gui lt and depression that usually lead to intentional vomiting. It is another example of eating disorder caused by social and family factors. However, many people who have digestive problems may also suffer from bulimia nervosa. These are people who haven`t found medical solution of their problems and try to find one themselves. This condition may cause more problems with the digestive system, affect the teeth, the hair and the nails.Some celebrities that have had problems with bulimia are Lady Diana, lady Gaga and Sir Elton John. Binge eating disorder is characterised with over consumption of food even when one is not hungry, obesity and feeling of guilt. This condition is usually caused by depression and different problems at work or in the family. People start eating more and more to feel better. The affected are usually ashamed of themselves, tend to hide and eat alone. This disease may cause diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, bone deterioration, stroke and even death. The se ven-year-old Jessica Gaude is regarded as the fattest child in the world with her 222kg.These are only a few examples of the seventy million registered cases of eating disorders. However, if all these people receive help that will make them realise their condition and they may change their way of living forever. All types of eating disorders involve unhealthy way of eating that begins gradually and reaches the point when it is extremely difficult to turn back. Everyone can fall victim to such diseases, so we should be careful with the people around us – our relatives and friends. If some of them suffer from an eating disorder they may not even realise it, so we ought to help them because this may save their lives.

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